
mlpack 4.3.0.post1


a flexible, fast machine learning library

a flexible, fast machine learning library

Stars: 4785, Watchers: 4785, Forks: 1564, Open Issues: 35

The mlpack/mlpack repo was created 9 years ago and the last code push was 2 hours ago.
The project is very popular with an impressive 4785 github stars!

How to Install mlpack

You can install mlpack using pip

pip install mlpack

or add it to a project with poetry

poetry add mlpack

Package Details

mlpack developers
GitHub Repo:


  • Scientific/Engineering/Artificial Intelligence
  • Scientific/Engineering/Mathematics
  • Software Development/Libraries
  • Software Development/Libraries/Application Frameworks
No  mlpack  pypi packages just yet.


A list of common mlpack errors.

Code Examples

Here are some mlpack code examples and snippets.

GitHub Issues

The mlpack package has 35 open issues on GitHub

  • added check for input data value
  • getting all class prediction with probability score for classification model like random forest
  • Added Simple Exponential Smoothing model for time series
  • adding sample examples for adaptive layers
  • Instance Norm
  • Subset Selection on data
  • Removing Remaining Boost
  • Added checks for relative input shapes in linear regression and k means clustering
  • move and copy constructor for pooling layers
  • input_labels parameter in preprocess_split function can't be empty
  • Randomized ReLU Activation Function
  • LayerNorm copy and move constructor created
  • Implementation of Threshold Activation Fn Done
  • A loaded model with PReLU does not produce expected predictions
  • add implementation of ISRU activation function

See more issues on GitHub

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