
scikit-optimize 0.10.1


Sequential model-based optimization toolbox.

Sequential model-based optimization toolbox.

Stars: 2720, Watchers: 2720, Forks: 545, Open Issues: 322

The scikit-optimize/scikit-optimize repo was created 8 years ago and the last code push was 1 months ago.
The project is very popular with an impressive 2720 github stars!

How to Install scikit-optimize

You can install scikit-optimize using pip

pip install scikit-optimize

or add it to a project with poetry

poetry add scikit-optimize

Package Details

The scikit-optimize contributors
BSD 3-clause
GitHub Repo:


  • Scientific/Engineering
  • Software Development
No  scikit-optimize  pypi packages just yet.


A list of common scikit-optimize errors.

Code Examples

Here are some scikit-optimize code examples and snippets.

GitHub Issues

The scikit-optimize package has 322 open issues on GitHub

  • Model is fed wrong values by BayesSearchCV
  • fix bug with float and str categories in Categorical space
  • Include point in "the objective has been evaluated at this point before" warning
  • BayesSearchCV supporting base estimator arguments
  • [MRG] Fix plot_gaussian_process not working with ps-acquisition
  • [MRG] Make Real and Integer raise error when prior is log-uniform and bounds contain zero
  • Pickle error in callback pf gp_minimize
  • BayesSearchCV: Not possible to provide list of tuples as search space parameter

See more issues on GitHub

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