Python Libraries and Packages

The Packages section serves as a meticulously curated directory of Python Packages, Projects, and Libraries. It integrates data from thousands of PyPI projects and the associated Github repositories to form a comprehensive network. Our unique categorization and tagging approach simplifies the process of discovering related projects and libraries.

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The `drawsvg` python package is a **vector graphics library** that allows python developers to create and manipulate SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) files. It provides a simple and intuitive interface for generating and animating SVG images. `drawsvg` is built on top of `svgwrite`, providing powerful functionalities and a smooth user experience for manipulating SVG graphics.

A Python 3 library for programmatically generating SVG (vector) images and animations. Drawsvg can also render to PNG, MP4, and display your drawings in Jupyter notebook and Jupyter lab.

pysaml2 7.5.0

PySAML2 is a Python library that provides a complete implementation of the SAML Version 2 standard. It is designed to assist developers in building either a SAML2 Service Provider or an Identity Provider. The library is versatile and can be used in a WSGI environment, with extensions available for integration with other frameworks. PySAML2 relies on the xmlsec binary, which is readily available in most Linux distributions and can be installed on macOS through Homebrew. The library is actively maintained by the IdentityPython community, which provides a space for developers to discuss and contribute to the development of identity-related Python tools.