
textual-paint 0.4.0


MS Paint in the terminal, built with Textual

MS Paint in the terminal, built with Textual

Stars: 928, Watchers: 928, Forks: 12, Open Issues: 5

The 1j01/textual-paint repo was created 1 years ago and the last code push was 5 months ago.
The project is popular with 928 github stars!

How to Install textual-paint

You can install textual-paint using pip

pip install textual-paint

or add it to a project with poetry

poetry add textual-paint

Package Details

Isaiah Odhner
GitHub Repo:


  • Artistic Software
  • Communications/BBS
  • Communications/Chat/Internet Relay Chat
  • Multimedia/Graphics/Editors/Raster-Based
  • Terminals
  • Text Editors
No  textual-paint  pypi packages just yet.


A list of common textual-paint errors.

Code Examples

Here are some textual-paint code examples and snippets.

GitHub Issues

The textual-paint package has 5 open issues on GitHub

  • Increase vertical resolution with block pixels
  • Consider adding support for sixels?

See more issues on GitHub

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