
scikit-learn 1.5.1


A set of python modules for machine learning and data mining

A set of python modules for machine learning and data mining

Stars: 59005, Watchers: 59005, Forks: 25182, Open Issues: 2084

The scikit-learn/scikit-learn repo was created 13 years ago and the last code push was 3 hours ago.
The project is extremely popular with a mindblowing 59005 github stars!

How to Install scikit-learn

You can install scikit-learn using pip

pip install scikit-learn

or add it to a project with poetry

poetry add scikit-learn

Package Details

new BSD
GitHub Repo:


  • Scientific/Engineering
  • Software Development
No  scikit-learn  pypi packages just yet.


A list of common scikit-learn errors.

Code Examples

Here are some scikit-learn code examples and snippets.

GitHub Issues

The scikit-learn package has 2084 open issues on GitHub

  • MNT Add validation for parameter alphas in LassoCV
  • BUG Fixes division by zero in PCA get_precision
  • DOC Adjust class style to match previous style
  • Add Lasso regularization to PoissonRegressor
  • MAINT Plug PairwiseDistancesArgKmin as a back-end
  • MAINT Adjust tests for numpydoc 1.2
  • ENH Support 2d y_score with 2 classes in top_k_accuracy_score w/ labels
  • ENH Improve error message for top_k_accuracy_score
  • BUG? LinearSVC with hinge loss and L2 penalty, solver='liblinear' seems to get stuck compared to other solvers
  • [MRG] Update gridsearch example for multimetric scoring.
  • #22229
  • ENH Replaced RandomState-specific calls to equivalent calls that match signature with Generator calls
  • [MRG] Adding variable force_alpha to classes in
  • ENH Optimise memory footprint and runtime
  • DOC Ensures that sklearn.datasets._base.load_breast_cancer passes numpydoc validation

See more issues on GitHub

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