django-localflavor 4.0
Country-specific Django helpers
What’s missing? Submit a python project for indexing
Country-specific Django helpers
script tag with additional attributes for django.forms.Media
OAuth2 Provider for Django
Always return JSON from your Django view.
An alternative widget that makes it easy to edit the new Django's field JSONField (PostgreSQL specific model fields)
JSONField for django models
Jinja2 templating language integrated in Django.
Country-specific Django helpers for U.S.A.
A django-compressor filter to compile SASS files using libsass
Django middleware and log filter to attach a unique ID to every log message generated as part of a request
Import mail from POP3, IMAP, local mailboxes or directly from Postfix or Exim4 into your Django application automatically.
A set of simple math filters for Django
Detect backward incompatible migrations for your django project
Django model mixins and utilities
Django extension to allow working with 'clusters' of models as a single unit, independently of the database
Translates Django models using a registration approach.
Adds support for using money and currency fields in django models and forms. Uses py-moneyed as the money implementation.
Utilities for implementing Modified Preorder Tree Traversal with your Django Models and working with trees of Model instances.
Django multiple select field
Django admin classes that allow for nested inlines
Version checking library.
Makes your Django tests simple and snappy
GitHub notifications alike app for Django.
A Django app for adding object tools for models in the admin
Django-MySQL extends Django's built-in MySQL and MariaDB support their specific features not available on other databases.