
django-money 3.4.1


Adds support for using money and currency fields in django models and forms. Uses py-moneyed as the

Adds support for using money and currency fields in django models and forms. Uses py-moneyed as the money implementation.

Stars: 1601, Watchers: 1601, Forks: 310, Open Issues: 78

The django-money/django-money repo was created 12 years ago and the last code push was 2 weeks ago.
The project is very popular with an impressive 1601 github stars!

How to Install django-money

You can install django-money using pip

pip install django-money

or add it to a project with poetry

poetry add django-money

Package Details

GitHub Repo:


No  django-money  pypi packages just yet.


A list of common django-money errors.

Code Examples

Here are some django-money code examples and snippets.

GitHub Issues

The django-money package has 78 open issues on GitHub

  • Set value check
  • Fix Django 3.2 warning about default_app_config
  • xfail test to demonstrate lack of support for only() querysets
  • MoneyField raises KeyError when model fetched via only()
  • Drop unsupported Django and Python versions
  • Upgrade to py-moneyed 2.0
  • null=True, default_currency=None on added/altered fields does not set null properly

See more issues on GitHub

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