
django-oauth-toolkit 2.3.0


OAuth2 Provider for Django

OAuth2 Provider for Django

Stars: 3009, Watchers: 3009, Forks: 769, Open Issues: 190

The jazzband/django-oauth-toolkit repo was created 10 years ago and the last code push was Yesterday.
The project is very popular with an impressive 3009 github stars!

How to Install django-oauth-toolkit

You can install django-oauth-toolkit using pip

pip install django-oauth-toolkit

or add it to a project with poetry

poetry add django-oauth-toolkit

Package Details

Federico Frenguelli, Massimiliano Pippi
GitHub Repo:


  • Internet/WWW/HTTP
No  django-oauth-toolkit  pypi packages just yet.


A list of common django-oauth-toolkit errors.

Code Examples

Here are some django-oauth-toolkit code examples and snippets.

GitHub Issues

The django-oauth-toolkit package has 190 open issues on GitHub

  • Achieve OpenID Connect 1.0 Certification
  • Deprecate oob PR #774
  • BCP 2.4: Deprecate Resource owner password-based grant type
  • RFC 8707 Resource indicators
  • RFC 8705 mutual TLS client authentication
  • RFC 7591 dynamic client registration protocol
  • RFC 8414 .well-known/oauth-authorization-server metadata
  • OAuth 2.0 BCP -> OAuth 2.1
  • Accept oob values as valid redirect URIs
  • Scope field in getting user info process.
  • WIP: Hash application client secrets using Django password hashing
  • 401 Unauthorized on PKCE requests without a client_secret
  • Auto logout (Django session) after authorization
  • Improve reach of the discovery endpoint
  • Django oauth

See more issues on GitHub

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