pre-reco-utils 2021.2.17
Recommender System Utilities
Recommender System Utilities
Stars: 18952, Watchers: 18952, Forks: 3083, Open Issues: 169The recommenders-team/recommenders
repo was created 6 years ago and the last code push was 3 days ago.
The project is extremely popular with a mindblowing 18952 github stars!
How to Install pre-reco-utils
You can install pre-reco-utils using pip
pip install pre-reco-utils
or add it to a project with poetry
poetry add pre-reco-utils
Package Details
- Author
- RecoDev Team at Microsoft
- License
- Homepage
- PyPi:
- GitHub Repo:
- Scientific/Engineering
- Software Development/Libraries/Python Modules
Related Packages
A list of common pre-reco-utils errors.
Code Examples
Here are some pre-reco-utils
code examples and snippets.
GitHub Issues
The pre-reco-utils package has 169 open issues on GitHub
- [ASK] Question on ndcg_at_k calculation
- [BUG] ndcg_at_k() arg error
- [ASK] Remove deprecated Python settings from devcontainers.json
- [FEATURE] Improve setup for developers with GPU and Spark details
- [FEATURE] Add functional test with SAR deep dive notebook
- [BUG] SAR needs to be modified due to a breaking change in spicy
- [BUG] error in test deeprec with gzip file
- [BUG] Review TFIDF notebook and CORD dataset
- [BUG] Review GeoIMC movielens
- Add support for Python 3.10 and 3.11 and drop for 3.7
- How to improve the performance of NCF models