
numpyro 0.15.1


Pyro PPL on NumPy

Pyro PPL on NumPy

Stars: 2106, Watchers: 2106, Forks: 229, Open Issues: 69

The pyro-ppl/numpyro repo was created 5 years ago and the last code push was 6 hours ago.
The project is very popular with an impressive 2106 github stars!

How to Install numpyro

You can install numpyro using pip

pip install numpyro

or add it to a project with poetry

poetry add numpyro

Package Details

Uber AI Labs
Apache License 2.0
GitHub Repo:


No  numpyro  pypi packages just yet.


A list of common numpyro errors.

Code Examples

Here are some numpyro code examples and snippets.

GitHub Issues

The numpyro package has 69 open issues on GitHub

  • Move contrib.render to infer.inspect
  • Fix HMCECS for likelihoods with multiple plates
  • Add loose strategy for missing plates in MCMC
  • HMC Gibbs Hierarchical Prior Issue
  • Example: Deep Markov Model with steinVI
  • Example: Bayes NN with steinVI
  • User contributed example from epidemiology
  • Add various KL divergences for Gamma/Beta families
  • Add Kumaraswamy and relaxed Bernoulli distributions
  • [FR] raise missing plate warning in MCMC inference
  • [Do Not Merge] Bump Funsor to latest master commit for testing
  • Amortizing overhead in .run
  • Request for Euler Maruyama features in numpyro
  • Add more tests for collapse handler

See more issues on GitHub

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