
zeep 4.2.1


A Python SOAP client

A Python SOAP client

Stars: 1852, Watchers: 1852, Forks: 572, Open Issues: 447

The mvantellingen/python-zeep repo was created 8 years ago and the last code push was 1 weeks ago.
The project is very popular with an impressive 1852 github stars!

How to Install zeep

You can install zeep using pip

pip install zeep

or add it to a project with poetry

poetry add zeep

Package Details

Michael van Tellingen
GitHub Repo:


No  zeep  pypi packages just yet.


A list of common zeep errors.

Code Examples

Here are some zeep code examples and snippets.

GitHub Issues

The zeep package has 447 open issues on GitHub

  • zeep soap12 wsdl+mtom+wsse how to make request?
  • How to view request body?
  • The Base64Binary type doesn't accept collections as value
  • SoapMessage.parse changes to handle indirect soap:body and soap:header elements
  • AsyncClient.create_service creates ServiceProxy instead of AsyncServiceProxy
  • fix: IndexError when empty body response
  • zeep.exceptions.XMLParseError: Unexpected element
  • SOAP v1.1 must permit all HTTP 2xx responses
  • Fix empty SOAPAction header
  • Adding timestamp, signature and encryption on SOAP server with signature (x509)
  • Plugins and http headers (suggestion)
  • docs: index: Add libxmlsec1 distro pkg instructions
  • why session is not used in AsyncTransport ?
  • Encrypt the body and other issues
  • UserWarning: Unclosed httpx.AsyncClient

See more issues on GitHub

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