
yfinance 0.2.37


Download market data from Yahoo! Finance API

Download market data from Yahoo! Finance API

Stars: 11697, Watchers: 11697, Forks: 2191, Open Issues: 135

The ranaroussi/yfinance repo was created 6 years ago and the last code push was 3 days ago.
The project is extremely popular with a mindblowing 11697 github stars!

How to Install yfinance

You can install yfinance using pip

pip install yfinance

or add it to a project with poetry

poetry add yfinance

Package Details

Ran Aroussi
GitHub Repo:


  • Office/Business/Financial
  • Office/Business/Financial/Investment
  • Scientific/Engineering/Interface Engine/Protocol Translator
  • Software Development/Libraries
  • Software Development/Libraries/Python Modules
No  yfinance  pypi packages just yet.


A list of common yfinance errors.

Code Examples

Here are some yfinance code examples and snippets.

  • ta code examples

    This python code example will show you how to use the ta python package to perform technical analysis on historical stock data such as RSI, SMA, Bollinger Bands, and Stochastic Oscillator.

GitHub Issues

The yfinance package has 135 open issues on GitHub

  • pandas-1.4 yfinance-0.1.69 AttributeError: 'Index' object has no attribute 'tz_localize'
  • Ticker.history: history's index is not of type DateTimeIndex when dividend and split tables are empty
  •["bookValue"] returns Book Value per Share
  • Index Components
  • Bug on cache feature
  • AAPL get_shares() does return nothing
  • AAPL dividend data is sometimes missing when using download or historical function?
  • Inconsistent results with download() and history() functions
  • How to get the stock list?
  • include the Capital Gain data in actions
  • Incomplete data
  • after hours price
  • UnboundLocalError
  • Simple ticker request, causes the get_json() requests to loop 3 times
  • fix - "period=max" returns "failed download"

See more issues on GitHub

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