
xgboost 2.0.3


XGBoost Python Package

XGBoost Python Package

Stars: 25517, Watchers: 25517, Forks: 8657, Open Issues: 432

The dmlc/xgboost repo was created 10 years ago and the last code push was an hour ago.
The project is extremely popular with a mindblowing 25517 github stars!

How to Install xgboost

You can install xgboost using pip

pip install xgboost

or add it to a project with poetry

poetry add xgboost

Package Details

GitHub Repo:


No  xgboost  pypi packages just yet.


A list of common xgboost errors.

Code Examples

Here are some xgboost code examples and snippets.

GitHub Issues

The xgboost package has 432 open issues on GitHub

  • Support latest pandas Index type.
  • dart tree weight is not considered in global feature score.
  • pandas.Int64Index is deprecated
  • Avoid regenerating the gradient index for approx.
  • Remove omp_get_max_threads in tree updaters.
  • Weight parameter not used while using xgboost aft
  • MAPE metric gives NaN when estimating zero loss residuals on a value of zero
  • xgboost.(dask.)XGBRegressor and dask_ml.model_selection.HyperbandSearchCV: AttributeError: '(Dask)XGBRegressor' object has no attribute 'partial_fit'
  • Number of threads used by predict.xgb.Booster (in R) cannot be specified and depends on previous runs
  • Question on the second-order gradient of hinge-loss.
  • [FEA] Make XGBoost4j-Spark to support PySpark
  • 1.5.2 Patch Release.
  • [Roadmap] Phasing out the support for old binary format.
  • [XGBoost4J-Spark] Random Forest mode
  • Training gets stuck and dumping model crashes

See more issues on GitHub

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