
vosk 0.3.45


Offline open source speech recognition API based on Kaldi and Vosk

Offline open source speech recognition API based on Kaldi and Vosk

Stars: 7890, Watchers: 7890, Forks: 1097, Open Issues: 485

The alphacep/vosk-api repo was created 5 years ago and the last code push was 2 days ago.
The project is extremely popular with a mindblowing 7890 github stars!

How to Install vosk

You can install vosk using pip

pip install vosk

or add it to a project with poetry

poetry add vosk

Package Details

Alpha Cephei Inc
GitHub Repo:


  • Software Development/Libraries/Python Modules
No  vosk  pypi packages just yet.


A list of common vosk errors.

Code Examples

Here are some vosk code examples and snippets.

GitHub Issues

The vosk package has 485 open issues on GitHub

  • Clearing input buffer before capturing new data
  • Progress status or progress bar
  • is vosk model free for lifetime?
  • Method for training model with multiple languages
  • Fine-tune the model released by vosk
  • Guidance on registering and deploying model in cloud environment
  • Is there a demo version for C++?
  • Sentence timestamp in a large text file
  • Add Phoneme labels and timestamps - take two
  • Loading CARPA model from ../vosk-model-en-in-0.5/rescore/G.carpa Segmentation fault
  • feat: enable usage of remote server and not only localhost
  • Failed graph compilation
  • Python binding: strange effect when reusing KaldiRecognizer (Reset not working properly?)
  • How to increase the accuracy of the vosk module in Python?
  • 0% Precision when using French Model

See more issues on GitHub

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