diskcache 5.6.3
Disk Cache – Disk and file backed persistent cache.
What’s missing? Submit a python project for indexing
Disk Cache – Disk and file backed persistent cache.
distribute legacy wrapper
Library to manage configuration using Zookeeper, Etcd, Consul
Distribution utilities
A collection of tools for the django administration interface
Diff Match and Patch
Python 2.7 backport of the "dis" module from Python 3.5+
A mirror package for discord.py. Please install that instead.
A Python wrapper for the Discord API
Easy, simple, scalable and modular: a Python API wrapper for interactions.
Easily send Discord webhooks with Python
Utilities for comparing sequences
Use Database URLs in your Django Application.
Authentication and Registration in Django Rest Framework
Serve production static files with Django.
Django + Stripe made easy
A simple Django app to render list filters in django admin using autocomplete widget
Use dropdowns in Django admin list filter
django-admin-rangefilter app, add the filter by a custom date range on the admin UI.
Drag and drop sorting for models and inline models in Django admin.
Generic drag-and-drop sorting for the List, the Stacked- and the Tabular-Inlines Views in the Django Admin
Edit ForeignKey, ManyToManyField and CharField in Django Admin using jQuery UI AutoComplete.
Integrated set of Django applications addressing authentication, registration, account management as well as 3rd party (social) account authentication.
A Django Middleware to enable use of CIDR IP ranges in ALLOWED_HOSTS.