
planet 2.10.0


Planet SDK for Python

Planet SDK for Python

Stars: 270, Watchers: 270, Forks: 90, Open Issues: 90

The planetlabs/planet-client-python repo was created 9 years ago and the last code push was 20 hours ago.
The project is popular with 270 github stars!

How to Install planet

You can install planet using pip

pip install planet

or add it to a project with poetry

poetry add planet

Package Details

Jennifer Reiber Kyle
Apache 2.0
GitHub Repo:


  • Scientific/Engineering
  • Software Development
  • Utilities
No  planet  pypi packages just yet.


A list of common planet errors.

Code Examples

Here are some planet code examples and snippets.

GitHub Issues

The planet package has 90 open issues on GitHub

  • New take on retrying order asset downloads
  • Eliminate double download of assets and orders
  • Save download to order name
  • nox test session is too slow for unit testing
  • No such command 'init'
  • python api docs: improve async usage description
  • [Tracking] Solid Python Docs
  • Subscription status list in CLI docs is missing values
  • Save final orders as order_name instead of order_id
  • rev python api documentation
  • Download failure under heavy load
  • Code snippets for all APIs
  • Order waiter could use exponential backoff to avoid exceeding max number of tries
  • Orders requests to support source_type for basemaps
  • Add images and animated gifs to CLI tutorials

See more issues on GitHub