
djangorestframework 3.15.1


Web APIs for Django, made easy.

Web APIs for Django, made easy.

Stars: 27422, Watchers: 27422, Forks: 6717, Open Issues: 87

The encode/django-rest-framework repo was created 13 years ago and the last code push was 9 hours ago.
The project is extremely popular with a mindblowing 27422 github stars!

How to Install djangorestframework

You can install djangorestframework using pip

pip install djangorestframework

or add it to a project with poetry

poetry add djangorestframework

Package Details

Tom Christie
GitHub Repo:


  • Internet/WWW/HTTP
No  djangorestframework  pypi packages just yet.


A list of common djangorestframework errors.

Code Examples

Here are some djangorestframework code examples and snippets.

GitHub Issues

The djangorestframework package has 87 open issues on GitHub

  • Pagination OpenAPI schemas should mark fields as required
  • Improve hot path performance of is_simple_callable() and get_attribute()
  • Use PrimaryKeyRelatedField pkfield in openapi
  • Multiple search by m2m always empty
  • docs: include drf-social-oauth2 to docs.
  • Incorrect Serializer behaviour for BooleanField(required=False) when passed a QueryDict
  • [Feature request] Different serializers for input and output approach
  • TestViewNamesAndDescriptions.test_markdown test fails
  • TestNaiveDayLightSavingTimeTimeZoneDateTimeField.test_invalid_inputs fails
  • Propagate 'default' from model_field to serializer field
  • SearchFilter with unaccent
  • NullBooleanField should use forms.NullBooleanField just like django. And BooleanField should support default=True
  • Added Deprecation Warnings for CoreAPI
  • add OAS securitySchemes and security objects
  • Add a method for getting serializer field name (OpenAPI)

See more issues on GitHub

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