
Checking for Cython in Your Code


In the world of Python development, one of the tools that often comes up is Cython. Cython is a programming language that makes writing C extensions for Python as easy as Python itself.

It’s not an interpreter like the standard Python interpreter (CPython), but rather a compiler that translates a Python script into C code. This C code can then be compiled into a shared library and imported into Python as a module.

Understanding Cython: Is My Code Running Through Cython or the Standard Python Interpreter?

But how can you tell if your code is running through Cython or the standard Python interpreter? Let’s dive into this question.

Cython vs. Python Interpreter

If you’re running a Python script directly, such as with python, you’re using the standard Python interpreter. If you’re running a Python script that has been compiled with Cython, you’re still technically using the Python interpreter to execute the compiled C code.

However, the distinction comes in the performance and the ability to use C-level features when the code is compiled with Cython. This can lead to significant speed improvements and the ability to interface with C libraries directly.

Checking for Cython in Your Code

If you want to check within your code whether it’s being run through Cython or not, you can use the CYTHON_ENABLED variable provided by Cython. Here’s an example:

    from Cython.Shadow import inline
except ImportError:

    print("Running with Cython")
    print("Running with standard Python interpreter")

In this code, we try to import the inline function from Cython.Shadow. If the import is successful, it means that Cython is available and we set CYTHON_ENABLED to True. If the import fails (and raises an ImportError), it means that Cython is not available and we set CYTHON_ENABLED to False.

Please note that this method only checks if Cython is available, not whether the current script was compiled with Cython. As far as I know, there’s no direct way to check if a script is running as compiled C code from Cython.

We hope this blog post has helped clarify how to determine if your code is running through Cython or the standard Python interpreter.

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