


A streamlit component, to make chatbots

A streamlit component, to make chatbots

Stars: 903, Watchers: 903, Forks: 255, Open Issues: 40

The AI-Yash/st-chat repo was created 2 years ago and the last code push was 6 months ago.
The project is popular with 903 github stars!

How to Install streamlit-chatbot

You can install streamlit-chatbot using pip

pip install streamlit-chatbot

or add it to a project with poetry

poetry add streamlit-chatbot

Package Details

Darin Manley
GitHub Repo:


No  streamlit-chatbot  pypi packages just yet.


A list of common streamlit-chatbot errors.

Code Examples

Here are some streamlit-chatbot code examples and snippets.

GitHub Issues

The streamlit-chatbot package has 40 open issues on GitHub

  • Add support to disable math formatting, add custom user avatar
  • allow_html=True throws error for lookml queries
  • Images pass to the avatar won't appear on streamlit share
  • In streamlit chat the links are not getting embedded properly
  • Your app is having trouble loading the streamlit_chat.streamlit_chat component.
  • Issues with HTML functionality in the message function
  • Hyperlinks not working
  • Adding copy button in response pane and styling
  • Give user option to put the god damn input box to the bottom
  • streamlit chat slow on streamlit cloud
  • streaming response in Streamlit using streamlit_chat -message
  • Alignment issue with user input in streamlit_chat

See more issues on GitHub

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