
speechbrain 1.0.0


All-in-one speech toolkit in pure Python and Pytorch

All-in-one speech toolkit in pure Python and Pytorch

Stars: 7802, Watchers: 7802, Forks: 1267, Open Issues: 126

The speechbrain/speechbrain repo was created 3 years ago and the last code push was 34 minutes ago.
The project is extremely popular with a mindblowing 7802 github stars!

How to Install speechbrain

You can install speechbrain using pip

pip install speechbrain

or add it to a project with poetry

poetry add speechbrain

Package Details

Mirco Ravanelli & Others
GitHub Repo:


No  speechbrain  pypi packages just yet.


A list of common speechbrain errors.

Code Examples

Here are some speechbrain code examples and snippets.

GitHub Issues

The speechbrain package has 126 open issues on GitHub

  • convert "AISHELL-1/ASR/transformer" to onnx or nvidia tensorRT engine
  • [Bug]: inference issue when I run ksponSpeech using colab
  • [Bug]: RuntimeError: The size of tensor a (140590) must match the size of tensor b (2500) at non-singleton dimension 1
  • [Feature Request]: Missing DPTNet recipe?
  • Comments on the ESC50 recipes
  • K2 interface for speechbrain
  • Update DropBox Links
  • [Bug]: Python version
  • [Bug]: training on VoxCeleb2 cannot reach the 0.8 EER of ECAPA-TDNN on multi-gpu
  • Run "on_stage_end" on all processes and save on only a single process
  • Training Speaker_ID SpeechBrain
  • [Bug]: cannot reach the 0.8 EER of ECAPA-TDNN on multi-gpu
  • [Feature Request]: ECAPA-TDNN Model update
  • Updating early stopping for more intuitive use
  • [Bug]: Huggingface hosted inference API not working for speechbrain/emotion-recognition-wav2vec2-IEMOCAP

See more issues on GitHub

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