mlflow 2.17.0
MLflow is an open source platform for the complete machine learning lifecycle
What’s missing? Submit a python project for indexing
MLflow is an open source platform for the complete machine learning lifecycle
Microsoft Azure Azure Queue Storage Client Library for Python
A data analysis library that is optimized for humans instead of machines.
A Cython implementation of the affine gap string distance
Matrices describing affine transformation of the plane
Advanced Enumerations (compatible with Python's stdlib Enum), NamedTuples, and NamedConstants
A package for unsupervised time series anomaly detection
Access Azure Datalake Gen1 with fsspec and dask
Pure Python Adb Library
Addict is a dictionary whose items can be set using both attribute and item syntax.
A Python implementation of ADB with shell and FileSync functionality.
Deprecated adapter-transformers package. Use adapters package instead.
Red/black tree with support for fast accumulation of values in a key range
Abseil Python Common Libraries, see
Adds the 2to3 command directly to entry_points.
An auto-attribute dict (and a couple of other useful dict functions)
Python module for easy integration with 2Captcha API
Aerospike Client Library for Python
TLS (SSL) sockets, key generation, encryption, decryption, signing, verification and KDFs using the OS crypto libraries. Does not require a compiler, and relies on the OS for patching. Works on Windows, OS X and Linux/BSD.
Amazon Web Services Library
Library for interacting with fortnite services
QueryString parser for Python/Django that correctly handles nested dictionaries
ACME protocol implementation in Python
Note: This library is already replaced by MSAL Python, available here: .ADAL Python remains available here as a legacy. The ADAL for Python library makes it easy for python application to authenticate to Azure Active Directory (AAD) in order to access AAD protected web resources.
Asynchronous Python wrapper for BenBot API.