dbfread 2.0.7
Read DBF Files with Python
What’s missing? Submit a python project for indexing
Read DBF Files with Python
Probabilistic data structures for processing and searching very large datasets
Dativa scrubber for automatic file cleansing
OpenTracing support for Python DB API
This client library is designed to support the DataRobot API.
Toolkit for Python-based database access.
A data description language.
Python library for extract property from data.
HuggingFace community-driven open-source library of datasets
Python library for fast multi-threaded data manipulation and munging.
Like datetime.timedelta, for date arithmetic.
Extract datetime objects from strings
This package provides a DateTime data type, as known from Zope. Unless you need to communicate with Zope APIs, you're probably better off using Python's built-in datetime module.
Compare string distances between dates, timestamps, or datetime objects.
Truncate datetime objects to a set level of precision
Various utilities for working with date and datetime objects
Pure-python reader for DAWGs (DAFSAs) created by dawgdic C++ library or DAWG Python extension.
Machine Learning Orchestration
Machine Learning Orchestration
Machine Learning Orchestration
Machine Learning Orchestration
Machine Learning Orchestration
Machine Learning Orchestration
Machine Learning Orchestration
Machine Learning Orchestration