django-fsm 3.0.0
Django friendly finite state machine support.
What’s missing? Submit a python project for indexing
Django friendly finite state machine support.
A set of high-level abstractions for Django forms
Transition's persistence for django-fsm
A jazzy skin for the Django Admin-Interface.
Pluggable search for Django.
Dynamic and static host resolving for Django. Maps hostnames to URLconfs.
HTML minifier for Python frameworks (not only Django, despite the name).
A Django application to retrieve user's IP address
Django app to allow superusers to impersonate other users.
Real Python Enums for Django.
A package that allows you to utilize 12factor inspired environment variables to configure your Django application.
Extensions for Django
Additional fields for Django Rest Framework.
Extra class-based views for Django
Simple library for creating fake models in the unit tests.
Fernet-encrypted model fields for Django
An extension for Django admin that makes interface mobile friendly.
A flat theme for Django admin interface. Modern, fresh, simple.
Integrate django-fsm state transitions into the django admin
Implementation of per object permissions for Django.
Run checks on services like databases, queue servers, celery processes, etc.
This is a Django library for Heroku apps.
Enable users to hijack (=login as) and work on behalf of another user.
A file management application for django that makes handling of files and images a breeze.
Django-filter is a reusable Django application for allowing users to filter querysets dynamically.