
pyttsx3 2.90


Text to Speech (TTS) library for Python 2 and 3. Works without internet connection or delay. Support

Pyttsx3 is a Python library that enables developers to convert text into speech easily. It supports multiple operating systems, provides customizable voice selection, and offers features like adjustable speech rate and volume control. It also offers event-driven capabilities for advanced control and interactivity.

Stars: 1888, Watchers: 1888, Forks: 310, Open Issues: 166

The nateshmbhat/pyttsx3 repo was created 6 years ago and the last code push was 2 months ago.
The project is very popular with an impressive 1888 github stars!

How to Install pyttsx3

You can install pyttsx3 using pip

pip install pyttsx3

or add it to a project with poetry

poetry add pyttsx3

Package Details

Natesh M Bhat
GitHub Repo:


No  pyttsx3  pypi packages just yet.


A list of common pyttsx3 errors.

Code Examples

Here are some pyttsx3 code examples and snippets.

GitHub Issues

The pyttsx3 package has 166 open issues on GitHub

  • Code not executing completely
  • Community issue: needs active maintainers
  • Resolves #142 for empty save_to_file() on darwin platform (NSSS driver)
  • How to solve the sound of "a"?
  • Segmentation Error Mac M1 Processors
  • Fix save_to_file on Macos Ventura when using nsss
  • some fix and new feature.
  • pyttsx3\", line 177, in runAndWait raise RuntimeError('run loop already started')
  • fixed issue where NSApp terminate called after endLoop
  • Program runs without crash but no sound output from any source
  • Calling engine.runAndWait() causes my Kivy app to close
  • Added an option of output: the wave array directly to memory (as a list of number 16-bit)
  • 'Started-word' event does not work correctly
  • Manually installed voice missing after compilation with PyInstaller

See more issues on GitHub

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