
pytest-playwright 0.4.4


A pytest wrapper with fixtures for Playwright to automate web browsers

A pytest wrapper with fixtures for Playwright to automate web browsers

Stars: 395, Watchers: 395, Forks: 62, Open Issues: 24

The microsoft/playwright-pytest repo was created 3 years ago and the last code push was Yesterday.
The project is popular with 395 github stars!

How to Install pytest-playwright

You can install pytest-playwright using pip

pip install pytest-playwright

or add it to a project with poetry

poetry add pytest-playwright

Package Details

GitHub Repo:


No  pytest-playwright  pypi packages just yet.


A list of common pytest-playwright errors.

Code Examples

Here are some pytest-playwright code examples and snippets.

GitHub Issues

The pytest-playwright package has 24 open issues on GitHub

  • Adding conda recipe
  • [BUG] Can't run tests with multiple browsers when overriding page fixture
  • [Feature] Implement retries and on-first-retry for assets
  • [FEATURE] Make pytest-playwright available on conda
  • Option –output not working with a manually launched context
  • [FEATURE] Allow attaching screenshot and video into Allure report
  • [FEATURE] Expose Playwright async/await flavor

See more issues on GitHub

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