
pilgrim 201512


A Python Imaging Library extensions for dds, blp, ftex and ico image format processing.

A Python Imaging Library extensions for dds, blp, ftex and ico image format processing.

Stars: 4, Watchers: 4, Forks: 1, Open Issues: 0

The tonytony2020/pilgrim repo was created 8 years ago and the last code push was 7 years ago. The project is not very popular with only 4 github stars!

How to Install pilgrim

You can install pilgrim using pip

pip install pilgrim

or add it to a project with poetry

poetry add pilgrim

Package Details

Shuge Lee
The BSD 3-Clause License
GitHub Repo:
No  pilgrim  pypi packages just yet.


A list of common pilgrim errors.

Code Examples

Here are some pilgrim code examples and snippets.

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