
pdfminer.six 20231228


PDF parser and analyzer

PDF parser and analyzer

Stars: 5381, Watchers: 5381, Forks: 879, Open Issues: 193

The pdfminer/pdfminer.six repo was created 9 years ago and the last code push was 22 hours ago.
The project is extremely popular with a mindblowing 5381 github stars!

How to Install pdfminer-six

You can install pdfminer-six using pip

pip install pdfminer-six

or add it to a project with poetry

poetry add pdfminer-six

Package Details

Yusuke Shinyama + Philippe Guglielmetti
GitHub Repo:


  • Text Processing
No  pdfminer-six  pypi packages just yet.


A list of common pdfminer-six errors.

Code Examples

Here are some pdfminer-six code examples and snippets.

GitHub Issues

The pdfminer-six package has 193 open issues on GitHub

  • Add extras_require in for PIL, and raise error if not installed when needing PIL
  • encodingdb.name2unicode(name: str) -> str can't handle type1 font diff like: 2, /'MT110', /'MT50',…
  • reading order is not quite right formultiple columns in one page
  • Same sentence is printed three times for a specific PDF file when using pdf2txt
  • extract images including their textual Figure number/title etc located below the image in a pdf. ie a margin around the image to be captured as well.
  • extract heading and section headers from pdf…cant acheive this now
  • Prefer logging to warning
  • Fix regression in page layout that sometimes returned text lines out of order
  • Text out of order with pdfminer 20201018
  • getting lots of (cid:#) instead of readable text
  • Question: Negative bbox coordinate (x1)
  • split a multi-page pdf file into multiple pdf files
  • list index out of range at self.cmap.add_cid2unichr(s1+i, code[i])

See more issues on GitHub

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