
optimum 1.18.0


Optimum Library is an extension of the Hugging Face Transformers library, providing a framework to i

Optimum Library is an extension of the Hugging Face Transformers library, providing a framework to integrate third-party libraries from Hardware Partners and interface with their specific functionality.

Stars: 2091, Watchers: 2091, Forks: 355, Open Issues: 323

The huggingface/optimum repo was created 2 years ago and the last code push was 17 minutes ago.
The project is very popular with an impressive 2091 github stars!

How to Install optimum

You can install optimum using pip

pip install optimum

or add it to a project with poetry

poetry add optimum

Package Details

HuggingFace Inc. Special Ops Team
GitHub Repo:


  • Scientific/Engineering/Artificial Intelligence
No  optimum  pypi packages just yet.


A list of common optimum errors.

Code Examples

Here are some optimum code examples and snippets.

GitHub Issues

The optimum package has 323 open issues on GitHub

  • optimum for onnx pipelines do not work with tranformers >=4.30
  • Corrupted-tflite-weights while getting a model from huggingface
  • Add ViT to ORTConfigManager
  • Lower GPU memory requirements at ONNX export
  • add diffusers extra
  • Pix2struct to ONNX execution error
  • Onnxruntime support for multiple modalities model types
  • IO Binding for ONNX Non-CUDAExecutionProviders
  • SDPA using the C++ path (math) in fp16 may yield nans
  • Adamlouly/fix unwrap model eval
  • Installation issue on Openvino NNcf
  • T5 & gpt_neox cannot be exported with with opset 9
  • Gradients greatly change after BetterTransformer.transform application
  • Update: fix typo from_pretained to from_pretrained
  • Enable use_io_binding = True on CPU

See more issues on GitHub

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