mediapipe 0.10.15
MediaPipe is the simplest way for researchers and developers to build world-class ML solutions and a
MediaPipe is the simplest way for researchers and developers to build world-class ML solutions and applications for mobile, edge, cloud and the web.
Stars: 27047, Watchers: 27047, Forks: 5105, Open Issues: 471The google-ai-edge/mediapipe
repo was created 5 years ago and the last code push was Yesterday.
The project is extremely popular with a mindblowing 27047 github stars!
How to Install mediapipe
You can install mediapipe using pip
pip install mediapipe
or add it to a project with poetry
poetry add mediapipe
Package Details
- Author
- The MediaPipe Authors
- License
- Apache 2.0
- Homepage
- https://github.com/google/mediapipe
- PyPi:
- https://pypi.org/project/mediapipe/
- GitHub Repo:
- https://github.com/google/mediapipe
- Scientific/Engineering
- Scientific/Engineering/Artificial Intelligence
- Software Development
- Software Development/Libraries
- Software Development/Libraries/Python Modules
Related Packages
A list of common mediapipe errors.
Code Examples
Here are some mediapipe
code examples and snippets.
GitHub Issues
The mediapipe package has 471 open issues on GitHub
- Face Mesh Effect Samples for Web
- Getting the Pose World Landmarks in the Pose Tracking Android Demo
- Document links broken in object detection
- Install Hello World but crashed with: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS: Failed to extract native libraries, res=-113]
- Linker error when trying to utilise OpenCV objdetect module
- mediapipe low FPS
- Avoiding predicting occluded (hand) landmarks
- Custom Object Detection Model Clarity
- Pose Estimation
- @mediapipe/facemesh with refineLandmarks crashes if used as npm module instead of script from cdn
- @mediapipe/camera_utils doesn't appear to be written in CJS, but also doesn't appear to be a valid ES module
- [Question] Uncertainty alpha calculation at segmentation_smoothing_calculator
- ERROR:Compiling src/qc8-gemm/gen/1x8c4-minmax-fp32-neondot.c failed: (Exit 1): clang failed: error executing command external/androidndk/ndk/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/clang -gcc-toolchain external/androidndk/ndk/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64 -target … (remaining 86 argument(s) skipped)
- Calculating thumb and finger angles from coordinates
- How to detect hand is front or back side