
jaxlib 0.4.26


XLA library for JAX

XLA library for JAX

Stars: 27726, Watchers: 27726, Forks: 2528, Open Issues: 1662

The google/jax repo was created 5 years ago and the last code push was 13 minutes ago.
The project is extremely popular with a mindblowing 27726 github stars!

How to Install jaxlib

You can install jaxlib using pip

pip install jaxlib

or add it to a project with poetry

poetry add jaxlib

Package Details

JAX team
GitHub Repo:


No  jaxlib  pypi packages just yet.


A list of common jaxlib errors.

Code Examples

Here are some jaxlib code examples and snippets.

GitHub Issues

The jaxlib package has 1662 open issues on GitHub

  • Incorrect gradient of function with segment_prod
  • Allow comparing NamedShape to None
  • Implement jax2tf scatter_* ops with no XLA
  • unjitted_loop_body is not constantly re-compiled in the JIT tutorial
  • Add GDA to the API pages
  • [sparse] accept nse argument to sparse.empty()
  • Efficient argmin/argmax for bool type arrays
  • Fix auto-generated docstrings for JIT-compiled functions
  • jax.numpy.nanpercentile with axis as tuple
  • introduce custom_batching.sequential_vmap
  • Jitted function sometimes doesn't distinguish static arguments with different type
  • Jax profiler won't work with Cuda 11.5
  • jnp.[nan]argmin/max: implement keepdims
  • jax.numpy: add where and initial arguments to nan reductions
  • jax2tf no_xla implementation for scatter_*, advice requested

See more issues on GitHub

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