
fastapi-cloudauth 0.4.3


fastapi-cloudauth supports simple integration between FastAPI and cloud authentication services (AWS

fastapi-cloudauth supports simple integration between FastAPI and cloud authentication services (AWS Cognito, Auth0, Firebase Authentication).

Stars: 316, Watchers: 316, Forks: 35, Open Issues: 37

The tokusumi/fastapi-cloudauth repo was created 3 years ago and the last code push was 10 months ago.
The project is popular with 316 github stars!

How to Install fastapi-cloudauth

You can install fastapi-cloudauth using pip

pip install fastapi-cloudauth

or add it to a project with poetry

poetry add fastapi-cloudauth

Package Details

GitHub Repo:


  • Security
No  fastapi-cloudauth  pypi packages just yet.


A list of common fastapi-cloudauth errors.

Code Examples

Here are some fastapi-cloudauth code examples and snippets.

GitHub Issues

The fastapi-cloudauth package has 37 open issues on GitHub

  • Fix typo in docstring
  • "not verified" response - cognito
  • Add ability to specify user_info as an extra parameter when instantiating UserInfoAuth derived classes
  • Cognito "iat" claim set in the future
  • firebase.JWKS public keys expire and don't get refreshed
  • Standalone function to verify token
  • Firebase - Unauthenticated request is not raising an exception
  • Mock auth0 for tests
  • Cognito class instances talk to AWS at import time

See more issues on GitHub

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