django-watchman 1.3.0

django-watchman exposes a status endpoint for your backing services


django-watchman exposes a status endpoint for your backing services

Stars: 530, Watchers: 530, Forks: 62, Open Issues: 22

The mwarkentin/django-watchman repo was created 10 years ago and the last code push was 4 days ago.
The project is popular with 530 github stars!

You can install django-watchman using pip

pip install django-watchman

or add it to a project with poetry

poetry add django-watchman

Michael Warkentin
GitHub Repo:
No  django-watchman  pypi packages just yet.

A list of common django-watchman errors.

Here are some django-watchman code examples and snippets.

The django-watchman package has 22 open issues on GitHub

  • Link to examples of custom checks
  • Publish new pypi release to support Django 4
  • Django security releases 4.0.1, 3.2.11, and 2.2.26 could break the storage check
  • Support pypi release through Github Actions
  • Figure out local testing story
  • Nose is unsupported and doesn't support python3.10
  • Failing test
  • Test failing
  • fix(views): skip checks if value isn't iterable
  • Fix HTML ids
  • Make WATCHMAN_STORAGE_PATH relative to Django's default storage

See more issues on GitHub

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