
django-cms 4.1.3

Lean enterprise content management powered by Django.

Lean enterprise content management powered by Django.

Stars: 10160, Watchers: 10160, Forks: 3100, Open Issues: 139

The django-cms/django-cms repo was created 15 years ago and the last code push was Yesterday.
The project is extremely popular with a mindblowing 10160 github stars!

You can install django-cms using pip

pip install django-cms

or add it to a project with poetry

poetry add django-cms

Django CMS Association and contributors
GitHub Repo:
  • Internet/WWW/HTTP
  • Internet/WWW/HTTP/Dynamic Content
  • Software Development
  • Software Development/Libraries
  • Software Development/Libraries/Application Frameworks
No  django-cms  pypi packages just yet.

A list of common django-cms errors.

Here are some django-cms code examples and snippets.

The django-cms package has 139 open issues on GitHub

  • [BUG] django.core.exceptions.FieldError: Local field 'created_by' in class 'PageUser' clashes with field of the same name from base class custom user.
  • build(deps): bump pillow from 8.3.2 to 9.0.0 in /test_requirements
  • build(deps): bump django from 3.2 to 3.2.11 in /test_requirements
  • WiP: add permission option to allow setting pages as HOME
  • Feature: protect pageuser on user deletion
  • feat: Add pre commit functionality
  • Python3.10 installation fail
  • Unlocalize page and node ids when rendering the page tree in the admin
  • [DOC] fix for #7185
  • [DOC] No invitations for login on localhost:8000
  • Feat/django4 support
  • Handle custom auth user model name
  • Optimize populating title cache for Page model.
  • [BUG] Admin page tree broken when on sites with more than 1000 pages and L10N turned on
  • Update

See more issues on GitHub

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