
debugpy 1.8.1


An implementation of the Debug Adapter Protocol for Python

An implementation of the Debug Adapter Protocol for Python

Stars: 1625, Watchers: 1625, Forks: 121, Open Issues: 187

The microsoft/debugpy repo was created 4 years ago and the last code push was 1 weeks ago.
The project is very popular with an impressive 1625 github stars!

How to Install debugpy

You can install debugpy using pip

pip install debugpy

or add it to a project with poetry

poetry add debugpy

Package Details

Microsoft Corporation
GitHub Repo:


  • Software Development/Debuggers
No  debugpy  pypi packages just yet.


A list of common debugpy errors.

Code Examples

Here are some debugpy code examples and snippets.

GitHub Issues

The debugpy package has 187 open issues on GitHub

  • Show lambda functions in "Step Into Targets"
  • Programming the Debug Console's rendering of user data
  • VSCode Debugger for Python2 Does Not Work.
  • threadId inconsistency in continued events
  • Cannot step into external programs even when "justMyCode" is set to false
  • High CPU Usage - v1.5.1
  • Comprehension list in Debug Console doesn't get updated
  • debugpy breaks breakpoint() in pytest context
  • RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded when debug unittest
  • Don't do eval/exec inside of except clause
  • Fail to run debugpy using vscode with flask, "No module named" error message
  • Can't combine Debugpy and FLASK_ENV=Development
  • VS Code IDE Freezes on Remote Breakpoint
  • Could not debug remote code with dataloaders which has num_workers>0
  • Pandas/NumPy code exhibits unusual behavior, but only running with debugpy.

See more issues on GitHub