
boto3 1.35.39

The AWS SDK for Python

The AWS SDK for Python

Stars: 9020, Watchers: 9020, Forks: 1866, Open Issues: 181

The boto/boto3 repo was created 10 years ago and the last code push was Yesterday.
The project is extremely popular with a mindblowing 9020 github stars!

You can install boto3 using pip

pip install boto3

or add it to a project with poetry

poetry add boto3

Amazon Web Services
Apache License 2.0
GitHub Repo:
No  boto3  pypi packages just yet.

A list of common boto3 errors.

Here are some boto3 code examples and snippets.

The boto3 package has 181 open issues on GitHub

  • ENI tag_set is None when queried from instance resource
  • Lack of validation/documentation of correct value for hashAlgorithm when creating an OTA update
  • Transit Gateway Attachment is getting creating without a Name Tag when calling create_vpn_connection() along with TransitGatewayId Argument.
  • InstanceProfile "has" Roles, but it should "hasMany" Roles
  • S3: Creating a pre-signed URL for complete_multipart_upload does not work
  • Threads calling S3 operations return RuntimeError (cannot schedule new futures after interpreter shutdown)
  • HTML tags are showing in documentation instead of the intended styled text
  • s3.Bucket().objects.delete() does not have proper error handling
  • Please improve docstring on how default region_name and other arguments are set around client using env variables or within Lambda execution
  • CloudWatchEvents.Client.list_rules doc is not accurate
  • Storagegateway create-tape-with-barcode ignores Tags directive
  • Allow passing a size-hint to s3.download_fileobj
  • EC2 documentation page too big (12.5MB)
  • Document difference between S3 object copy vs copy_from
  • Clarify documentation for paginator jmespath

See more issues on GitHub

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