Authlib 1.3.2
The ultimate Python library in building OAuth and OpenID Connect servers and clients.
The ultimate Python library in building OAuth and OpenID Connect servers and clients.
Stars: 4530, Watchers: 4530, Forks: 452, Open Issues: 97The lepture/authlib
repo was created 6 years ago and the last code push was 1 months ago.
The project is very popular with an impressive 4530 github stars!
How to Install authlib
You can install authlib using pip
pip install authlib
or add it to a project with poetry
poetry add authlib
Package Details
- Author
- None
- License
- BSD-3-Clause
- Homepage
- None
- PyPi:
- https://pypi.org/project/Authlib/
- Documentation:
- https://docs.authlib.org/
- GitHub Repo:
- https://github.com/lepture/authlib
- Internet/WWW/HTTP/Dynamic Content
- Internet/WWW/HTTP/WSGI/Application
- Security
- Security/Cryptography
Related Packages
A list of common authlib errors.
Code Examples
Here are some authlib
code examples and snippets.
GitHub Issues
The authlib package has 97 open issues on GitHub
- Starlette integration does not allow to configure inner client options in straightforward way
- Fragment
- Occasionally getting value=None on get_state_data on OAuth
- Implement Quart client
- Parse id_token returned from google-one-tap
- Allow custom CA bundle to be set for the whole OAuth2Session and being registered using oauth.register()
- CSRF Warning! State not equal in request and response
- Interested in a meaningful contribution?