beanie code example from docs
The following beanie code example shows how the library works by first defining two pydantic classes and then save a record to the database and retreiving a record. beanie utilizes pydantic
and `motor`` to provide an asyncronys ODM for mongodb.
import asyncio
from typing import Optional
from motor.motor_asyncio import AsyncIOMotorClient
from pydantic import BaseModel
from beanie import Document, Indexed, init_beanie
class Category(BaseModel):
name: str
description: str
class Product(Document):
name: str # You can use normal types just like in pydantic
description: Optional[str] = None
price: Indexed(float) # You can also specify that a field should correspond to an index
category: Category # You can include pydantic models as well
# This is an asynchronous example, so we will access it from an async function
async def example():
# Beanie uses Motor async client under the hood
client = AsyncIOMotorClient("mongodb://user:pass@host:27017")
# Initialize beanie with the Product document class
await init_beanie(database=client.db_name, document_models=[Product])
chocolate = Category(name="Chocolate", description="A preparation of roasted and ground cacao seeds.")
# Beanie documents work just like pydantic models
tonybar = Product(name="Tony's", price=5.95, category=chocolate)
# And can be inserted into the database
await tonybar.insert()
# You can find documents with pythonic syntax
product = await Product.find_one(Product.price < 10)
# And update them
await product.set({"Gold bar"})
if __name__ == "__main__":
About beanie
Beanie - is an Asynchronous Python object-document mapper (ODM) for MongoDB, based on Motor and Pydantic.